

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-04 10:17:35 阅读:827

国内的学生,一听到英语口语,很多人就会头痛。对于这门我们讨厌,而又不得不读的学科,该怎么办? 其实任何事物都是有根可寻的,英语的口语也是一样。那么首先我们不妨把自己的身份降低些,这样有利于我们虚心学习。我知道你可能是中学生,甚至是大学生。。,但是让我们忘记掉自己是谁,这里我们就是学生,我们先来看看在母语中,我们是怎么开始学习口语的。。。 Almost all of us learn to speak and in fact speaking is so much a part of daily life that we trend to take it for granted. However, learning to speak involes developing a number of complex skills and different types of knowledge about how and when to communicate. It is useful when thinking about speaking to consider how we develop speaking in our mother tongue. 在我们的母语中,牙牙学语的小宝宝们,一边听周围的人说,一边模仿说。所以选择一个好的口语平台很重要,例如:英语本科中的,中级英语口语,高级英语口语,新概念,走遍美国,雅思口语等等。 Young babies must develop a number of verbal skills as preparation for speaking. They must listen to and try to imitate the sounds of the language made by the people around them. This is the point when learning to pronounce the sounds of the mother tongue begins. 词汇和单词的发展, 别放弃。 Vocabulary or content words are the first recognisable elements of speaken language to develop. At about 12-14 months, young children are usually moving into this stage where, much to the delight of the parents, they begin to utter single words such as 'Mumma' or 'Dadda' . This is the beginning of verbal skills development and it will continue throughout their lives. 当词汇量发展到一定的程度,把他们放在一起,就是口语了哦! Children soon progress to the multiple word stage where they rapidly learn to put words together to creat more complex meanings. For instance, 'Daddy go work' or 'John buy ice-cream'). 记住,语法到最后再发展,这样会有利于你口语的发展。


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