

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-13 17:37:15 阅读:159

1. You are fabulous. 2. You are an amazing worker. 3. You are wonderful. 4. Your beauty is beyond description. 5. You are awesome. 6. Your performance exceeds expectations. 7. You are excellent. 8. I admire your mettle.气质 9. You do things with prudence.审慎 10. Your port is delicate. (port me 举止). 11. You are a person of erudition.博学 12. Your calibre is multifarious.多方面的 15. You are munificent.宽宏的 16. You have such a jovial personality.愉快的 17. You are capacious.心胸宽大的 18. You handle matters with an aplomb manner.沈著 19. You are veracious.诚实的 20. You possess tremendous amount of decorum.彬彬有礼 21. Your visage is very attractive.外观 22. Your possess a charm which exhibits indomitable quality.不屈不挠的 23. Your decision is incisive.敏锐的

Depends on the situation: 追女孩 You look "stunning" You look "marvelous" You look "ravishing" You looking "mighty fine." 追女孩会话 男 Hi

"How are you?' 女: "Oh

I am fine." 男: "Yes

you sure are." 正式场合: You look "very elegant" You look "dazzling" You look "glamorous" There are more

but these are very usuful already. Hope this helps.

Beauideal Connotation Cultivation Grace have one's heart inthe right place

Lovely活泼可爱 Youthful beauty 青春美丽 Good housekeeping持家有道 Studious 勤奋好学 MR BEAUTIFUL明艳照人 Gentle文质彬彬 Knowledge book knowledge Ceremony 知书识礼 Cheerful good move开朗好动

外貌: pretty charming attractiive *** art(望落醒神) handsome(boys) good-looking clever intelligent polite

参考: myself

你要好地道既我地会讲hot-birdy. 你要好文雅既我地会话beauty. 你要搞野d既or有点粗俗既我地会说goddess

hot slut. 虽然我都见过有人会话一个中国令女做hot blonde(她是黑头发的).但我就唔认为中国香港人会认同~~


本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/20241201/1/208801



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