
用英文描述下面的饼形图 ,最好在200词以上 ,用于本科阶段的比赛 , 谢谢了 !

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-20 12:11:25 阅读:64


The pie graph demonstrates the detailed structure of the cost of the project.

As we can see, the production occupies almost the quarter of the expense (24.48%), which is not a surprise, for the main process of a project is the production. Then, facilities, account for around one-fifth (20.98%) of the outlay and the third contribution is the labor cost, which is 17.48%. According to the chart, the traditional cost: the production, the facilities and the labor cost are still in charge of the majority (62.94%) of the expenditure.

The rest (37.06%) of the expenditure is shared by several factors concern about law and management: licenses (12.59%), taxes (10.49%), legal (8.33%) and insurance (5.59%).

It is certain that the material cost, which is comprised by the production, the facilities and the labor, dominates the outlay of a project. However, the nonmaterial cost (licenses, taxes, legal and insurance) is unremarkably less than the former, responsible for nearly 40% of the sum. Given that all kinds of innovations to cut down the material cost have been used during all the history of industry, the latter should, and would play a much more important role in controlling the entire outlay in the future.



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