

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-13 19:41:35 阅读:570

晋江是闽南著名的侨乡,改革开放十几年来,这里发生了翻天覆地的变化。 就拿晋江市的旗牌街来说吧!几年前这里是一条长五十多米,宽3米的旧街道,街道坑坑洼洼,一下起雨来就满路泥水,人一走过去,溅得满腿都是泥巴。如今旧城改造后,以前的又破又矮的平房变成了一栋栋高楼大厦,红色的屋顶,雪白的墙壁,在太阳的照耀下,显得美丽壮观。九米宽的路上铺上了银白色的水泥,各式各样的车辆来来往往。人行道上竖立着的笔直的路灯。到了晚上,路灯亮起来了,就像朵朵金黄的花儿。街道边的商店里摆满了各式各样的商品;有新鲜的水果,有世界各地的名牌服装,功能先进的受机…… 现在像旗牌街那样Fujian Jinjiang is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese reform and opening up 10 years, there has undergone tremendous changes. Take the flag Brand Street, Jinjiang City, for instance! Here is a few years ago, more than 50 meters long, 3 meters wide old street, street bumps and hollows, what started to rain on the road full of mud and water, person, one walked over, spilling its legs are full of mud. Today the old city After the transformation, another short break before another cottage into a One after another, high-rise buildings, red roofs, white walls, shining in the sun, look beautiful and spectacular. Nine-meter wide road paved with silver-white cement, a wide range of vehicles coming and going. Erected on the sidewalk with a straight street. At night, street lamps light up like golden flowers blossoming. The street-side shops filled with all kinds of goods; fresh fruit, designer clothes from around the world, advanced by the machine ... ... Brand Street is now like a flag as the beautiful streets, everywhere in Jinjiang is really not what 呀! If you come home to Jinjiang, I will take you to more of a good place to play!美丽的街道,在晋江到处可见,真是今非昔比呀!家如你到晋江来,我一定带你到更多的好地方去玩!


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