

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-26 06:05:51 阅读:384



1. **了解船期与位置**:船代需向船长确认预计到达锚地的时间,以安排后续操作。

例: Hello, captain. Could you tell me when you will arrive at anchorage?

2. **文件与信息需求**:船代请求船方填写单据或提供相关文件,以确保货物的准确记录与处理。

例: Could you fill this form for me, please?

3. **货物数量与确认**:船代需确认船上货物的数量与船方提供的信息是否一致,以防后续出现错误。

例: How many goods in the ship. Is this number correct? Same as yours?

4. **作业安排与通知**:船代向船方明确作业时间与信息传递方式,确保双方沟通顺畅。

例: Best ETA tomorrow morning, any new information will pass to u in time by radio channel 16. Please arrange crew on duty.

5. **安全与效率**:船代关注作业安全与效率,对船只速度、设备状态、货物顺序等进行指导与协调。

例: Make boarding speed of 8 knots. Welcome you to. I’m foreman, we are in charge of loading cargo. We hope we can obtain your support and cooperation. Thank you.

6. **现场提问与解答**:在码头上,船代与码头调度、船方进行沟通,明确作业流程、设备使用、货物状态等。

例: Excuse me, who is on duty, please? Where is the ship’s office? Chief officer, I’m foreman. I need stowage plan and the loading sequence. What’s the departure (sailing) draft?

7. **作业问题与应对**:遇到作业中可能出现的状况,如设备故障、货位安排、货量不足等,船代需与船方沟通解决。

例: Why was the loading work stopped? There’s something wrong with the loader, so we have to suspend and wait. There is not much cargo at yard, so it is required to stop loading to pile. Coal is not enough, so we have to wait for more coal to be discharged from train. Sea condition and weather become bad, so we need stop working.

8. **专业指导与操作**:船代在作业过程中提供专业指导,确保货物安全、高效地装载。

例: It is required for surveyor to check draft after completion of first batch of cargo. Why was the loading work stopped? There’s something wrong with the loader, so we have to suspend and wait. Sea condition and weather is not good, please inform ship to take more lines and be ready for unberthing at any time.

9. **结束作业与安排**:在作业完成或接近完成时,船代通知船方预计的完成时间、后续操作要求等。

例: Chief officer, the loading will be completed in ten minutes. Agent ask you to keep watch on VHF16. What is the maximum draft allowed at discharging port? Foredraft is xx M, middraft is xx M, afterdraft is xx M.

10. **沟通结束与后续安排**:船代与各方在作业结束时进行沟通,确保后续操作顺利进行。

例: Your vessel will go sailing at midnight. Maybe at nine o’clock. By-by, welcome to come again!


本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/20241216/1/680883



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