

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-11 14:47:40 阅读:126

一、 交通安全

1、 自觉遵守交通规则,不在公路上跑闹、玩耍。

2、 横穿公路要走斑马线,不得随意横穿。

3、 小学生不得在马路上骑自行车。

4、 遵守公共秩序,排队等车,车未停稳不得靠近车辆,上下车时不得拥挤。

5、 文明乘车,乘车主动让座,不得在车厢内大声喧哗。

二、 水的安全

1、 不得到海边、水库、方塘、水井等危险的地方玩耍、洗澡。

2、 不得随同大人到海边、水库、方塘等地方钓鱼。

3、 到游泳馆游泳必须要有家长陪同,不得单独游泳。

三、 电的安全

1、 要在家长的指导下逐步学会使用普通的家用电器。

2、 不要乱动电线、灯头、插座等。

3、 不要在标有“高压危险”的地方玩耍。

四、 火的安全

1、 不准玩火,不得携带火种。

2、 小心、安全使用煤气、液化气灶具等。

3、 不要玩火,以免发生火灾。发现火灾及时拨打119,不得逞能上前扑火。

五、 饮食安全

1、 自觉养成良好的个人卫生习惯,饭前便后勤洗手,防止传染病的发生。

2、 购买有包装的食品时,要看清商标、生产日期、保质期等,“三无”食品、过期食品一定不要购买食用。


六、 防汛防暑安全

1、 夏季多雨,任何同学不得在大树及高大建筑物下避雨。

2、 大雨天气,任何学生不得外出,如遇洪峰要顺楼梯到高楼层或地势较高的地方防汛。

3、 高温天气,要采取降温措施,防止中暑。

七、 假期特长班的安全

1、 按时到校,遵守班级纪律。

2、 不疯打闹,不玩危险物品,不做危险游戏。

3、 讲究卫生,不乱吃零食。

4、 放学排好路队,不在外面逗留,及时回家,注意交通安全。

八、 运动员训练安全

1、 保证训练期间到校、回家乘车、走路的安全。

2、 训练期间,师生要绷紧安全弦,防止运动损伤和意外伤害的发生。

3、 高温天气,教师要合理安排运动量、运动地点,防止中暑。

4、 运动员不到校训练必须请假,如没请假,教师要及时与家长取得联系,问清原因。

5、 体育运动时,穿好运动服,口袋不要装刀子、铁钉、发卡等危险物品

6、 运动员要注意饮食卫生,不吃零食,不吃不卫生食品。

7、 比赛期间,教师要强调乘车安全和比赛过程中的安全。

8、 训练或比赛结束后要及时回家,不得私自外出游玩。

九、 其他方面的安全

1、 不要轻信陌生人,陌生人敲门不要开防盗门。

2、 外出旅游或走亲访友,万一迷路不要惊慌,要呆在原地等候父母回找或及时拨打110,请求警察叔叔的帮助。

3、 观看比赛、演出或电影时,排队入场,对号入座,做文明观众。比赛或演出结束时,等大多数人走后再随队而出,不可在退场高峰时向外拥挤。

4、 睡觉前要检查煤气阀门是否关好,防止煤气中毒。

5、 不得玩易燃易爆物品和有腐蚀性的化学药品。

6、 不偷不抢,不拉帮结火,打架斗殴。One, traffic safety

1, consciously abide by the traffic regulations, not to make the road running, playing.

2, across the zebra crossing the road to go, should not be crossed.

3, pupils may not ride a bicycle on the road.

4, observe public order, waiting in the bus queue, until the train stops shall be close to the vehicle, on and off when not crowded.

5, civilization, car seat initiative, not inside the loud noise.

Two, water safety

1, do not get the sea, reservoirs, and, well, play at a dangerous place, take a shower.

2, may not be accompanied by adults to the sea, reservoirs, and other local fishing.

3, to the swimming pool must be accompanied by parents, not to swim alone.

Three, electrical safety

In 1, under the guidance of parents gradually learn to use ordinary household appliances.

2, do not touch wires, lamp, socket.

3, not in the labeled " high risk " place to play.

In four, fire safety

1, no fire, no carry kindling.

2, be careful, safe use of gas, such as liquefied gas cooker.

3, don't play with fire, so as to avoid fire. 119 call found the fire in time, may not be approached fire.

Five, food safety

1, consciously cultivate good personal hygiene, wash hands before meals and logistics, prevent the occurrence of infectious disease.

2, the purchase of a package of food, to see the trademark, production date, shelf life,"3 without" food, expired food must not buy food.

3, pay attention to wash raw fruits before serving, do not eat rotten, deteriorated and fruits.

In six, flood control and sunstroke prevention safety

1, summer rain, any student may not be in the trees and tall buildings to take shelter from the rain.

In 2, heavy rain weather, any student may go, if the peak to shun the stairs to the upper floor or higher local flood control.

In 3, the high temperature weather, to take steps to lower the temperature, to prevent heatstroke.

In seven, holiday special class security

1, to get to school on time, obey the class discipline.

In 2, mad play, don't play with dangerous articles, not to do dangerous game.

3, pay attention to health, not eating snacks.

4, school row of good road team, not outside, go back in time, pay attention to traffic safety.

Eight, training safety

1, ensuring the training period, home riding, walking to school safety.

In 2, during the training, teachers and students to tighten the security string, preventing sports injuries and accidental injury.

In 3, the high temperature weather, teachers should arrange the amount of exercise, sports venues, to prevent heatstroke.

In 4, athletes training must leave school, as did not leave, the teacher should promptly get in touch with parents, ask the reason.

5, sports wear, sportswear, pocket knives, nails, not installed card and other dangerous articles

In 6, athletes should pay attention to food hygiene, snacks to eat, do not eat unhealthy food.

In 7, during the game, teachers should emphasize the restraint and the game process of safety.

8, training or after the end of the game to go back in time, are not allowed to go out to play.

Nine, other aspects of safety

1, do not believe the stranger, stranger knocks don't open the door.

2, travel or visit, if lost don't panic, stay waiting parents return to find or call110, ask the police for his uncle's help.

3, to watch the game, show or movie, queue entry, seats, be civilized audience. Match or at the end of the performance, and most people go after the team out, not out at the peak outward when congestion.

4, to check the gas valve is closed, to prevent gas poisoning.

5, not Wanyi burning and explosive materials and corrosive chemicals.

6, don't steal from, not to help with fire, fights.


本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/20241228/1/948296



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