

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-01-26 06:12:02 阅读:179

1. 形容词


- 高兴:happy, glad, joyful, cheerful, delighted, elated

- 悲伤:sad, sorrowful, melancholy, forlorn, inconsolable, desolate

- 恐惧:fearful, scared, frightened, terrified, apprehensive, anxious

- 兴奋:excited, thrilled, ecstatic, enthusiastic, overjoyed, exhilarated

- 愤怒:angry, furious, enraged, indignant, irate, incensed

- 焦虑:anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive, stressed, nervous

- 幸福:happy, content, blessed, fortunate, joyful, blissful

- 安心:relieved, reassured, comfortable, at ease, relaxed, calm

- 失望:disappointed, let down, discouraged, disillusioned, unsatisfied, deflated

- 羞愧:ashamed, embarrassed, mortified, humiliated, self-conscious, shy

2. 副词


- 非常:very, extremely, exceedingly, highly, intensely, enormously

- 略微:slightly, somewhat, a bit, a little, moderately, fairly

- 完全:completely, entirely, totally, wholly, absolutely, utterly

- 快速:quickly, rapidly, swiftly, briskly, hastily, immediately

- 缓慢:slowly, gradually, leisurely, steadily, gently, cautiously

- 充分:fully, thoroughly, extensively, completely, wholly, totally

- 突然:suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, instantaneously, all at once, out of the blue

- 平稳:smoothly, evenly, steadily, continuously, consistently, smoothly

- 粗糙:roughly, harshly, rudely, coarsely, gruffly, unsmoothly

- 轻微:faintly, feebly, weakly, thinly, slightly, delicately

3. 动词


- 感谢:thank, appreciate, acknowledge, express gratitude, be grateful, feel thankful

- 感到:feel, sense, perceive, experience, be aware of, be conscious of

- 理解:understand, comprehend, grasp, get, catch on, fathom

- 担心:worry, be anxious, fret, be concerned, feel uneasy, be troubled

- 喜欢:like, love, enjoy, adore, appreciate, relish

- 讨厌:dislike, hate, loathe, detest, despise, abhor

- 接受:accept, embrace, take in, receive, acknowledge, receive

- 拒绝:refuse, reject, deny, decline, turn down, say no to

- 期待:expect, anticipate, await, look forward to, await with pleasure, count on

- 想念:miss, yearn for, long for, pine for, crave, hanker after

4. 名词


- 美丽:beauty, elegance, grace, charm, loveliness, attractiveness

- 怜爱:pity, compassion, sympathy, empathy, understanding, concern

- 平凡:ordinary, common, mundane, pedestrian, routine, commonplace

- 可爱:cute, adorable, charming, delightful, sweet, endearing

- 希望:hope, aspiration, wish, desire, dream, ambition

- 失败:failure, defeat, setback, flop, disaster, catastrophe

- 紧张:tension, stress, pressure, strain, anxiety, apprehension

- 幽默:humor, wit, fun, amusement, jest, joke

- 恋爱:love, passion, desire, attachment, infatuation, admiration

- 成功:success, achievement, accomplishment, triumph, victory, fulfillment



本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/20250103/1/1167367



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