一、教学目标(Teaching aims:)
1. 复习连系动词的功能(Review what a linking verb’s function is in a sentence.)
2. 了解连系动词的种类(Remember what verbs can be used as linking verbs.)
3. 掌握表语的种类(Summarize what words or phrases can be used as the predicative.)
二、教学重、难点(Teaching main and difficult points:)
将所学的规则运用于实践,解决一些具体问题(Apply the rules learnt to complete some written tasks.)
三、教学设想(Teaching design:)
让学生学会通过练习,自己归纳、总结连系动词的规则(Instruct students themselves to summarize the rules of linking verbs and get them involved in all the teaching activities.)
四、教学步骤(Teaching procedures:)
1. 导入(Step 1: Leading-in)
Present a short video to get students’ attention on the general idea of linking verbs.
2. 练习与归纳(Step 2: Explanation and practice:)
(1). Introduce the definition of a linking verb.
(2). Get to know the classification of linking verbs.
(3). Remind students to pay attention to some possible mistakes while using linking verbs.
(4). Compare three groups of linking verbs similar in meaning or usage.
(5). Summarize the words or phrases acting as the predicative.
3. 活动(Step 3: Oral practice)
(1). Do the exercises on the paper.
(2). Discuss with your partners about the model tests held last weekend. Please tell us your feelings about them, trying to use as many linking verbs as you can.
4. 难点解析(Step 4: Aualysis of difficult poiats)
5.巩固(Step 5: Revision and Consolidation)
Ask one student to summarize the rules of linking verbs
6. 布置家庭作业(Step 6: Homework)
(1). Go over the rules of linking verbs.
(2). Finish the grammar exercise on the newspaper.
说 课
1. 将本节课的教学目标(1. Review what a linking verb’s function is in a sentence. 2. Remember what verbs can be used as linking verbs. 3. Summarize what words or phrases can be used as the predicative. )写在黑板上,请同学集体朗读。使学生明确本节课所学内容和要达到的目标。
2. 引出有关连系动词的两个问题(1.What’s a linking verb? 2. How many types of linking verbs are there in English?),然后让学生欣赏一段视频。目的是让学生对连系动词有一个总体印象,同时也为了激发学生的学习兴趣和活跃课堂气氛。视频中涉及连系动词的`定义、功能、种类以及使用连系动词时所要注意的事项。
3. 让学生回答那两个问题。通过例句进一步解释连系动词的定义和功能。
4. 用PPT给出一项用连系动词完成句子的练习(共6句)。 请学生补全句子后,比较、归纳出三类连系动词。
5. 进行口头造句练习。将学生按座位分成三大组,每6个学生为一小组进行讨论。用所学连系动词造句,主题为他们上周模考的感受。从每一大组中选一个学生上黑板写出本组学生造句时所用的连系动词,最后选出最佳的一组。
6. 核对学案上的单选题答案,对错题进行分析、讲解。
7. 针对学生可能出现的一些共性错误设计了一项单句改错题,学生完成后归纳出五条在使用连系动词时所要注意的事项。
8. 完成学案中的填空题。然后,让学生通过连线的方式,对三组容易混淆的连系动词进行辨析。同时掌握由appear, look, seem所构成的几个常用句型。
9. 通过例句小结表语的句法功能以及可以作表语的词或短语。
10. 让一个学生总结本节课所学内容。布置家庭作业。
;本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/a/1/1099579
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