"Those are my lucky birds. Every day that I escape death, each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird, and add it to the others. This way I look at them and congratulate myself on the good fortune that my illness has brought me. Because, thanks to it, I have the opportunity to improve my character."“这些是我的幸运鸟。每天我都逃避死亡,每一天的痛苦,帮助我摆脱尘世的烦恼,我做了一个新的小纸鸟,并把它添加到别人。我就这样看着他们,庆幸自己的好运,我的病给我带来了。因为,多亏了它,我有机会改变自己的性格。”Once again, outside in the open air, I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I'd prepared in advance for interviews with the patients of the atomic ward. Among them was the questions: Do you really think that Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan? I never asked it. But I could read the answer in every eye.再次,在外面,我撕成小碎片的一个小笔记本电脑的问题,我会事先准备好的采访病人的病房的原子。其中有问题:你真的觉得广岛是日本最有活力的城市吗?我从来没有问过它。但我可以阅读答案在每一只眼睛。以上两段是摘自一篇名叫Hiroshima-the "Liveliest" City in Japan的最后两段以上两段是摘自一篇名叫hiroshima-the“热闹”的城市在日本的最后两段以下两段是摘自一篇课文名叫Mark Twain-Mirror of America,分别是第一段和第二十二段以下两段是摘自一篇课文名叫标记twain-mirror美国,分别是第一段和第二十二段Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. Indeed, the nation's best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well - one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. 大多数美国人都记得马克吐温作为父亲的哈克·费恩永恒的童年时代中的田园诗般的邮轮,索亚在漫长的夏日里的自由和冒险。事实上,这个国家最受欢迎的作家的冒险,爱国主义,浪漫,幽默的人所无法想象的。我发现另一种吐温以及-一个越来越愤世嫉俗的,痛苦的,悲伤的深刻的人生悲剧的打击,一个人变得痴迷于人类的弱点,谁清楚地看到未来的黑墙的夜晚。22(最后一段)22(最后一段)The last of his own illusions seemed to have crumbled near the end. Dictating his autobiography late in life, he commented with a crushing sense of despair on men's final release from earthly struggles:"..they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence; where they achieved nothing; where they were a mistake and a failure and a foolishness; where they have left no sign that they had existed- a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever他自己最后的幻想似乎已经崩溃即将结束。在他的自传中生命的后期,他极度绝望地评论人的最终版本从尘世的斗争:“他们从世界上消失了,他们没有后果;他们一事无成;他们的错误和失败和愚昧;他们离开而没有留下他们存在-一个世界将为他们哀悼一天,永远忘记他们
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