

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-02-05 23:48:09 阅读:989

First, thanks everybody to listen to my lecture, I narrated today the topic is the unity, we sing frequently: “the unity is the strength, the unity is the strength…”, but how many people have we also had to realize the unity importantly? Below is my real experience: In summer vacation's time, I am playing one to call the world of the warcraft the game, we do frequently a matter is a crowd challenges one several times, even dozens of times strong in ours enemy, therefore we have the explicit division of labor, unites as one defeats the enemy. has such one time, we keep off, in is defeated very with difficulty in front of the enemy, he needs in our several dozens individual like clock's and watch's gear equally precise cooperation, our continual several night initiate the challenge to him, finally is defeated comes to an end, even several we quickly succeeded! But we have actually dropped down in the most crucial time, we feel are melancholy, even some people questioned: “are our some people being loaf?”, “are we not very strong?”, regimental commander (with leader) said: “not! We insufficiently unite!” after all people summarized themselves, we difficult have defeated our enemy, we are that day excited, has not slept all night, that one time also lets my deep understanding: As a collective, we, in faces the match which is more formidable than us, we need even more to unite. Finally I hoped that each people can comprehend the unity real sense (end), thanks everybody once more.



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