

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-02-07 11:30:24 阅读:353

French history

1: regime change

1 and bourbon dynasty (1589-1792) in 1774 king Louis xvi, the 1789 revolution early big bourgeoisie, the king came, implement the monarchy in 1792, August uprising overthrew the monarchy

2, the first republic (1792-1804)

(1) what guillen special rule (1792 1793) -

(2) YaGeBin pie dictatorship (1793-1794),

(3) zadok government period (1795-1799)

(4) government period (1799-1804)

3, French first empire (1804-1814), Also called napoleon empire, representative of the big bourgeoisie interests, implement the monarchy

4 and restoration of bourbon dynasty (1814-1830) absolute monarchic

5, July (1830-1848) represents the interests of the financial asset class noble, constitutional monarchy.

6 and the second republic of France (1848 1852) -

7, France second empire (1852-1870 Louis Bonaparte), representing the financial asset classes and big industrialist's interests.

8 and the third French republic (1870-1940) after the republicans and the repeated struggles, monarchist involves consolidate down in 1879

9 and Vichy government (1940-1944). Being established in southern France the GDR.

10 and the interim government (1946-1944) in London, Charles DE gaulle was the fourth republic instead.

11, the fourth republic in France (1946-1958)

12 and the fifth republic (1958) -


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