
replace,substitute for,还有哪些代替,主语和宾语哪个代替哪个,搞不清楚。

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-02-07 20:44:52 阅读:73




[拼音]:dài tì

[解释]:vice; instead; substitute; stead; replace; helium; lieu; subrogation; intead; cover for ; doubel for ; in lieu of ; in our room ; in place of ; in stead of ; in the room of ; instead of ; novation ; pinch hit ; replace ; replace with ; serve as a substitute ; sit in for ; stand in for ; subrogation ; substitute for ; substitution; in lien of ; in the stead of ; stood in for ; substitution ; supersedure ; supersession ; supplantation ; take the place of ; taken the place of; stand for; substitute; surrogate; take the place of ; subrogation; substitution; in lieu of; in place of; 1.to substitute for; to cover for; to take the place of; to replace; to fill in 2.instead of; in place of 3.replacement ; commutation; cover for; displace; else; in lien of; in lieu of; in place of; in stead of; inlien; instead of; instead of to; instead/replace; oust; pinch-hit; replacement; represent; subro; substitution; supersede; supply; supply the place of; take; take the place of; serve as a substitute for; stand in for; in the stead of

[参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英法学大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典


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