

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-02-02 13:52:53 阅读:488

Case 1: A four-star hotel received a complaint from a guest regarding their personal items being taken out of their room. The hotel manager conducted a security investigation and discovered that the room key had been left outside. After the hotel staff used these keys, they were not locked in a secure storage cabinet.

Case 2: Hotel staff noticed a stranger wandering around the work area. No one had reported this person before. This individual had obtained the keys and carefully entered the hotel rooms. Then, taking advantage of the empty office, they returned the keys and left.

Case 3: The finance department also decided not to record the transactions for the day due to their busy schedule. Instead, they locked the money in a cabinet until the next day. The manager had taken the keys to a safe place.

Case 4: The duty manager, who was also busy, decided to call for a fire extinguisher inspection the next day. He did not realize that one of the fire extinguishers was empty because of a small fire in the laundry room two weeks earlier, which had used that extinguisher.


本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/f/1/1322345



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