Low Carbon Living Green Composition: In order to Earth tomorrow everyone knows, we have only one earth; and all life on Earth is the common man and the earth. 生命的延续,人类的生存,一刻也离不开自然资源。 The continuation of life, human existence, a moment can not do without natural resources. 而面对今天地球的现状,每一个稍有良知的人都不能不为地球的明天而忧虑。 In the face of the earth today, the status of each person with a conscience can not but worry about the future of the earth.
举目四顾,好些地方,青山不再青,绿水不再绿,河里流的是臭水,山上倒满的是垃圾,满眼都是白色的、黄色的、黑色的、红色的废水废碴废旧电池废塑料…… Look around, better place, Castle Peak is no longer green, green water is no longer green, the river flow is Xiu Shui, is filling the garbage mountain, across such a large white, yellow, black, red water waste slag waste Battery waste plastic ... ...
你可知道,被你随手丢弃的垃圾需要多久才才会分解? You know, you throw garbage is how long it will decompose? 让我来告诉你吧,塑料瓶:450年;易拉罐:200—250年;铁罐头盒100年;油漆过的木板:13年;棉织物:1—5个月;纸片:半个月。 Let me tell you, plastic bottles: 450; cans :200-250; iron tin 100 years; painted wood: 13 years; cotton fabric :1-5 months; paper: two weeks .
地球只有一个。 Only one earth. 在可预见的未来,人类不可能找到第二个地球,并实施大规模移民。 In the foreseeable future, human beings can not find a second Earth, and implementation of large-scale immigration. 为了人类自己的生存,为了子孙后代的延续,我们必须善待地球,不再做伤害地球的事了。 To the survival of humanity itself, to the continuation of future generations, we must treat the earth, no longer do harm to the earth's affairs.
为了地球的明天,请你节约用水,中国是缺水大国,好多地方人畜饮水十分困难。 To Earth tomorrow, you save water, water shortage in China is big country, a lot of local drinking water is difficult. 想想这些,你何忍心让清清流水白白地从你手下流走? Think about this, what have the heart to cooling off your water and simply flow away from your hands? 所以当你刷牙时,请关上水龙头,等要清洗时再拧开;当你在身上涂抹肥皂时,请你关上淋浴龙头,等要冲洗时再打开。 So when you brush your teeth, please turn off the tap, such as cleaning and then twist to open; when you smear soap on the body when you close the shower faucet, so to re-open when cleaning.
为了地球的明天,不要再乱丢垃圾,不要捕猎野生动物;不要乱采滥开矿产资源,不要污染环境,不要破坏生态平衡;为了地球的明天,请积极回收废纸,尽量使用再生纸。 To Earth tomorrow, not to litter, not to hunt wildlife; not Luancai open abuse of mineral resources, do not pollute the environment, not to destroy the ecological balance; to earth tomorrow, please active recycling of paper, make use of recycled paper. 你可知道,回收100千克废纸能生产800千克的再生纸,这意味着可以少砍17棵大树。 You know, recycling 100 kg of waste paper to produce 800 kg of recycled paper, which means a smaller cut 17 trees. 过期的挂历纸可以用来包书皮,你用过的课本可以留给低年级的同学再用。 Expired calendar book cover paper can be used to package your used books can be left to the junior students to reuse. 请记住,即使是一张废纸,还可以再生两次。 Remember, even a piece of paper can also be regenerated twice.
为了地球的明天,请你理解和支持家庭垃圾分装。 To the earth tomorrow, you understand and support the household waste repackaging. 如果我再告诉你,回收23.5万吨废铁,可以建造36个埃菲尔铁塔;回收6000吨废铝,可以生产74架空中客车飞机;回收120万吨玻璃,可以建造254个罗浮宫玻璃金字塔,那么请你想一想,就因为你懒于分拣,被你随手扔掉的将是我们人类生存的地球啊! If I tell you, recycling 235,000 tons of scrap iron, you can build 36 Eiffel Tower; recycling 6,000 tons of aluminum and can produce 74 Airbus aircraft; recycling 1.2 million tons of glass, you can build 254 Louvre glass pyramid, so Please think about it, because you too lazy to sort, were you carelessly throw away will be our human existence on Earth ah!
努力吧! Up! 为了我们的家园! To our home! 我们地球的明天! Future of our planet!
本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/h/1/223523
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