从正反两个方向来分析一下这个问题: 正面分析: 政府对于艺术家的支持会打造一种对于艺术重视的社会氛围;这种社会氛围会接下来产生很多积极的影响: (1)艺术对于经济的发展具有重要的推动力 Art is the economic drivers. The arts create jobs and produce tax revenue. A strong arts sector is an economic asset that stimulates business activity, attracts tourism revenue, retains a high quality work force and stabilizes property values. 艺术活动创造就业机会与创造税收。艺术活动与商业活动紧密相连并积极促进旅游业的发展。做一个假设:一个政府资助了一个“达芬奇”,那么“达芬奇”对于助手的雇佣会创造就业机会。“达芬奇”的画作会带来巨大商业收益,伴随而产生的相关商业活动以及世界各地的旅游爱好者对于当地旅游业所做的贡献都将为经济发展做出巨大贡献。 (2)对于艺术家的支持可以看成是对“教育者”的投入与支持。Art acts as educational assets.The arts foster young imaginations and facilitate children’s success in school. They provide the critical thinking, communications and innovation skills essential to a productive 21st-century work force. 鉴于艺术对于想象力、批判性思维交流以及创新方面所具备的强大作用。被支持的艺术家将是进行艺术教育最具说服力和最具权威的个体。对于艺术家的支持变相成为对于教育的一种有效投资。 (3)对于艺术家的支持是对艺术进行有效支持的最佳途径之一,而对于艺术的支持和尊重是一个社会文明进程的必经阶段;伊丽莎白女王对于莎士比亚的宽容与珍惜;丘吉尔拒绝用整个印度来交换莎士比亚。也是一个民主文明社会的重要标志。Art plays the role of civic catalysts.The arts create a welcoming sense of place and a desirable quality of life. The arts also support a strong democracy, engaging citizens in civic discourse, dramatizing important issues and encouraging collective problem solving.
反面分析: (1)对于艺术家的判断是不容易的;换一句话说界定艺术家是一件操作难度很高的事。艺术门类众多,新兴艺术形式层出不穷。昔日不值一提的小人物突然甚至是死后被认为是大艺术家的例子比比皆是。It is difficult for the government or any designated entity to decide who is an artist. A system that funds artists from the public coffers must take value-judgments about art and artists. Are writers and architects eligible for the public dole or only painters and sculptors? Are the paint splotches of Pollock unworthy, but the paper cut-outs of a blind Matisse worthy? Should we fund Norman Rockwell for his kilt-clad schoolgirls but not Andrew Wyeth for his controversial nudes? (2)对于艺术家的支持会占用支持其他民生的社会资源。The government’s core function is to provide for the health, safety, education and defense of its citizens. While art is surely something we should study in school, its creation should happen outside of the governmental sphere. If the government is asked to cough up cash for every graffiti artist looking for a public handout, there will be less to spend on cancer research or weapons development, not to mention textbooks and wheelchair ramps.
(3)政府对于艺术家及其艺术品的支持会政治化“非政治”的物品,甚至被别有用心的人利用。艺术家和艺术品应该保持其自身的“纯洁性”。Government’s pecuniary interference in the art world can politicize the nonpolitical, turning a simple etching of a poor farmer into propaganda, or it can be used as an official, taxpayers-subsidized way of bestowing favors. Art should be pure and free of the taint of graft; it should never be the bough-and-paid-for tool of some ministry’s message-making minions.
本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/j/1/1233321
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