1. "in turn" - 通常理解为“反过来”,但实际上它还可以表示“接着会发生”。它意味着事件的顺序或序列。
例句:“Green roofs help absorb some of that rain which would stop the runoff, which in turn helps the water quality.”
例句:“And this would make the clouds whiter, which in turn would increase their reflectivity.”
2. "and" - 大多数人认为其含义为“并且”,但实际上它还可能表示“然后”,带有一定的逻辑关系。它意为“接着”。
例句:“You’ll need to go to the printing station and you’ll see a list of all documents that people have sent to the printer. Find your document on the list, click on it, and it’ll print.”
3. "allow" - 常理解为“允许”,但它更常见于指“使可能发生”,蕴含因果逻辑。
例句:“Now silicone is a material that allowed us to create ever faster and smaller microchips which transformed computers from huge machines to small portable devices.”
4. "responsible" - 说到“负责”,其实它还意味着“导致”。它表示作为原因或成为起因。
例句:“And even today, for the most part, when parents and teachers choose literature for children isn’t that mainly what they’re looking for?Well, from your reading, who is mostly responsible for this notion of Children’s literature?Paul?”
5. "account for" - 除了表示“占…”外,它还意味着“解释”。很多人只理解其中任意一个意思。
例句:“So since there's nothing get into the pool, how do we account for this? Well apparently bacteria recycle. You see in addition to having high levels of sulfate, the water in the pool is also rich in iron. Here’s what happens. The bacteria convert the sulfate to sulfite, then the sulfide reacts with iron to produce sulfate.”
6. "suggest" - 在托福听力中,很少用“suggest”来表示“建议”,更多时候它表明“表明”的含义。
例句:“Well, one theory suggests that polar bears may have been able to find a few remote cold icy places, such as, well, this Svalbard islands to live on until the climate eventually cooled again. Controversially, because the last warming period was actually warmer than the one now, the one more presently experiencing.”
7. "precipitation" - 通常理解为“沉淀”,但它还表示“降水”。它描述了雨、雪等的降水情况以及降水量。
例句:“Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface. from precipitation (rain and snow )and from lakes and streams”
8. "game" - 对于初学者来说,可能只联想到“野生猎物”的概念。实际上,它也可以指“猎物”,“野禽”或“野味”。
例句:“They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk.”
9. "mine" - 大约三分之一的人对它的含义不太清晰,主要指的是“矿井”或“矿”。
例句:“This scenario begins with the planting of hyperaccumulating species in the target area, such as an abandoned mine or an irrigation pond contaminated by runoff.”
10. "chemical" - 作为名词时,它表示化学物质,许多人并不知道这一点。
例句:“Take food for example. When an ant finds food it takes that food back to the nest and on its way back, it secretes a chemical, which leaves a trail that can be detected by other ants.”
11. "tension" - 除了“紧张”之外,在涉及理科讲座时,“tension”更多地表示“张力”。它描述了材料或系统处于拉伸状态的强度。
例句:“But a dynamic tension between the two also continues. And this tension, this struggle between the opposing views is actually very useful. Because it prevents either the national government or state government from gaining in too much power.”
12. "grain" - 除了“谷物”,它还可以表示“颗粒”。它描述了物质的细小颗粒状态。
例句:“The earliest record’s from 500 million years ago, show that sediment in the river deposits was largely composed of coarse grains of sand, and gravel, and that tells us the rivers weren’t defined, they were very shallow and wide, almost like floods, but around the time of the rise of plant life the content of those sediment layers began to change, the coarse grains became much finer, and we see evidence of mud.”
13. "impact" - 除了“影响”之外,还意味着“冲击、撞击”。它描述了力的直接作用。
例句:“I mean, we’re all familiar with how impact events can affect life on earth, like it’s now generally agreed that a meteor triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. Of course, since that theory’s been widely accepted it’s tempting to look to space to explain all extinction events.”
14. "setting" - 不仅表示“设置”,还指“背景”。它描述了事件发生的环境。
例句:“And you know, when we’re considering a residential or an urban setting let’s face it, space is usually at a premium. It’s a valuable, limited commodity. Unfortunately though, when you have a group of propeller turbines at a wind farm, they undergo a decrease in power output the closer they’re placed together.”
15. "complex" - 除了“建筑群”,它还有“综合大楼”的意思。常被误解为“复杂”。
例句:“He built a large complex that included baths and bath buildings, libraries, sculpture gardens, theatres and temples in Egyptian, Greek, and Roman styles.”
16. "population" - 对于人类来说是“人口”,对于其他物种而言是“数量”。它描述了生物群体的规模。
例句:“Professor: It seems so, in the late 1990s with populations of two butterfly species in England. Climate data had shown that the butterflies’ habitat was experiencing warmer temperatures which was directly affecting their ability to reproduce.”
17. "perspective" - “观点”,不仅仅是“透视”。它描述了对事物的主观看法或理解。
例句:“And we didn’t even know about these until aerial photographs revealed markings that weren’t evident from the ground. And this is just one example of how a new perspective, in this case made possible through aerial photography, helped us realize that evidence, or the lack of it, could lead to false conclusions.”
18. "episode" - 更多是指“事件”,不能说成“集”。它描述了事件的片段或经历。
例句:“The K-T extinction 65 million years ago is the best known of the five major extinction episodes since the Cambrian period
19. "readily" - 实际上是“容易地”,并非“准备”之类的。它描述了行为的便捷性。
例句:“The release of heat energy is retarded by the tall vertical city walls that do not allow infrared radiation to escape as readily as does the relatively level surface of the surrounding countryside.”
20. "edge" - “优势”的说法相对少见,但“边缘”这个概念同样常见。它描述了相对位置上的优势。
例句:“It seems likely that Teotihuacan' s natural resources, along with the city elite' s ability to recognize their potential, gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors. The valley, like many other places in Mexican and Guatemalan highlands, was rich in obsidian.”
21. "principal" - 除了名词的意思,它也是形容词,表示“主要的”。它描述了事物的主要性质或地位。
例句:“The principal insect enemies of the North American morning glory feed mainly on its flowers or fruits rather than its leaves”
22. "largely" - 不能仅仅理解为“大”,而是要理解为“在很大程度上”。它描述了程度。
例句:“Other oxide in regolith include aluminum oxide, aluminum is largely responsible for the moon’s color even though it comprises only 6% of regolith; there is also iron oxide and a few others.”
23. "critical" - 背词汇书的人可能不太清楚“重要的”这个释义,它非常常见。它描述了事物的关键性。
例句:“Now when the last class ended, we were talking about how we evaluate other people, how we look at other people and determine which people are likely to be helpful to us and which people are likely to hinder us as we go through life and we noted that the ability to distinguish between these two kinds of people, to perform what we call social evaluations, is critical to our survival. Yes, Karen?”
本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/j/1/363201
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