
求大神翻译,非常感谢,请人工翻译! 虽然2014年上半年A股陷入低迷,但是在下半年却

作者:职业培训 时间: 2025-02-05 23:30:41 阅读:200

Although the first half of 2014 A shares slump, but in the second half of the year began the continuing rise in prices. The Shanghai Composite Index in 2014 rose more than 50%, A shares not only lead the global major stock indexes, and the total market value to become second only to the world's second biggest stock market American. After nearly 7 years of bear suffering, A shares of turning in a 2014 years.

This round up is mainly due to the promotion of funds caused. After the opening of the Shanghai Hong Kong clear two-way and open the domestic capital market direction, introducing the stocks of capital market, promote the overseas funds backflow. To promote the registration system is conducive to the stock market to realize transformation and upgrading.

But the stock market rise behind the meaning is conducive to promoting innovation and the transformation and upgrading of entity economy.

In 2015 China's economic growth rate may be slightly slower economic growth slightly slow will provide more space for the reform, and reform and will revalue the sustainability of economic growth and stock prices play a key role.

I think that China's stock market in 2015 will continue in 2014 because of rising prices, the stock market is a barometer of the global economy, the overall recovery of the world economy is conducive to the rising stock market.

In addition, from the surface, now the stock market price compared to the previous high point up a lot of space. At the same time, investors should also pay attention to the stock market investment risk, should be cautious to choose investment way.


本文地址: http://www.goggeous.com/j/1/583085



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